The First Commercial Flutter App Makes Exclusive Hamilton Musical Content Accessible to All

We created and maintain the official Hamilton mobile app — the first app built with Flutter outside of Google — bringing exclusive content to fans on any device.
The Hamilton app was built by the founding team of VGV while at (now shuttered) Posse, and Hamilton was VGV's first client.
Taking a Shot With Fans
Due to the Flutter’s incredible productivity, the Hamilton app was able to launch on both iOS and Android in just three months with a long list of features — the Hamilton daily ticket lottery, HamCam camera filters, news and info, in-app ecommerce merch store, and more. It was important to the show that all users have an equal experience and it would have been impossible to deliver the scope of features on-budget without Flutter.

The First Flutter App
The Hamilton app was a huge success to its fanbase, but also became an app of legions for a new breed of developers — Flutter developers. The Hamilton app was the first app to show the world that Flutter is an ideal choice for large scale production apps.

Breaking Boundaries with Firebase
As an early adopter for the Firebase backend infrastructure platform, the Hamilton app blazed new trails with serverless computing. While less-recognized compared to its early use of Flutter, the Hamilton app was also one of the major apps to be built entirely on Firebase and Google Cloud Platform.

By the Numbers
Monthly Active Users
App Installs
Lottery Entries Processed