Our Services & Expertise

Flutter App Development Services

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Successful App Development

Our apps are featured on the biggest stages

Stage at Google I/O 2019 displaying New York Times logo
Flutter live slides at Google I/O 2018

App Development Services

We are the world leaders in Flutter and experts in app development. Our team has everything needed to design, build, deploy, and succeed with apps for any screen. As the most experienced Flutter development consultancy, we outperform the competition every time.
Flutter logo in white

Flutter is the solution for modern app development.

Mobile App Development

Build better mobile apps faster than the competition.
Flutter multi-platform apps
iOS / iPhone app development
Android app development
Phone & tablet app development

Desktop App Development

Put your apps anywhere your users want them.
Flutter desktop embedding
macOS app development
Windows app development
ChromeOS app development

Web App Development

Put your apps where your users want them.
Chrome compatible
Safari compatible
Edge compatible
Firefox compatible

Back-End Cloud Development

Scalable infrastructure for high performance apps.
Firebase development
Google Cloud Platform / AWS
Serverless / Cloud Functions
Node / TypeScript / Javascript / Go

Design & Product Strategy

Head profile icon

Design solutions with strategic product management.

App Design

Beautiful app designs, inspired experiences.
User experience (UX) design
Visual design
Brand design
Animation & motion design

Research & Prototyping

Apps based on real human needs and desires.
User research
Market research
User testing

Product Management

Products optimized for successful outcomes.
Product strategy
Business strategy
Feature prioritization & roadmapping
Project management

Performance & Growth

Chart with line trending upward

Analytics, app performance, growth, and app store management.

Analytics & App Performance

Measure, learn, and improve your experience.
Analytics strategy & reporting
Reporting & dashboards
App performance monitoring
Crash reporting monitoring

Marketing Automation

Engage and grow your audience.
User audiences & segmentation
Notifications & emails
In-app targeted messaging
User insights

App Store Management

Optimize app presence for increased conversion.
App store setup
App store optimization
User feedback monitoring
App store listing management