Earlier this month we had the opportunity to attend Fluttercon 2023, colocated with droidcon in Berlin. This three-day conference was packed with entertaining talks, insightful conversations, and of course, quality time with fellow developers. We were a silver sponsor and were lucky to be able to send six speakers. Here are our very good takeaways from the conference.
The Flutter community is one of the best out there!
At Fluttercon, we had the opportunity to meet with developers, designers, and Flutter enthusiasts from around the globe. We attended keynotes, watched insightful sessions, and had engaging discussions, setting the stage for a future of innovation and collaboration within the Flutter community.

The energy at Fluttercon was truly electric! We may be a bit biased, but the Flutter community stands out as one of the most exceptional and vibrant developer communities in the world. Fluttercon further solidified this: The passion and dedication exhibited by the Flutter community were unparalleled. The community's inclusivity and supportiveness are truly remarkable, as developers from all backgrounds and skill levels come together to celebrate their shared love for Flutter development. From the vibrant online forums and repositories to the countless open source projects, the Flutter community never fails to inspire and empower developers around the globe.
Unicorns showcase the magic of Flutter in their talks: from shaders to testing to engineering culture
We had unicorns all over Fluttercon! Six of them presented on different topics throughout all three days of the conference across a wide variety of Flutter topics — from shader to testing to the culture of Flutter. We hope these talks inspire developers to push the boundaries of Flutter development and create remarkable experiences for users worldwide.
David DeRemer, our Founder and CEO delivered a keynote on day three of the conference about the cultural impact of Flutter within organizations.

Tomas Piaggio facilitated a workshop on Firebase's capabilities, and how to leverage them to create robust and scalable apps using Flutter, alongside Renuka Kelkar.

Renan Araujo spoke about the transformative potential of Fragment shaders in UI design.

Óscar Martín covered the significance of writing functional and scalable code.

Jochum van der Ploeg talked about the use of Fluttium, an end-to-end user testing tool for Flutter.

Erick Zanardo exhibited the power of the Flame engine for game development by creating an exciting space shooter game using Flutter and Flame, in a workshop alongside Lukas Klingsbo.

Impressions from our teammates
“I was really impressed by the quality of the talks at Fluttercon. There were so many great speakers, and I learned a lot from them. I especially enjoyed the talk by Óscar on the road to 100% testing coverage. I also had some great conversations with people from the community. I was surprised by how welcoming and friendly everyone was. I felt like I was part of a big family. The best part for me was the sense of community, and the fact that there were people from all over the world, united by the same feeling. It was so inspiring to see so many people passionate about Flutter. I'm really glad I had the opportunity to attend Fluttercon.” - Tomas
“One of the things I was impressed with is that as we were sharing the spot with DroidCon, a lot of Android devs were interested in the future of Flutter, recent projects, etc. Erick Zanardo's workshop was amazing and motivated me a lot to work with Flame. I knew from social media that a lot of people knew VGV, but it is so cool to see that in real life, and hearing all the stories about people using our tools like Very Good CLI.” - Oscar
“I was impressed by the number of people who knew us and told us that they used our tools. The willingness of people to answer questions and the good vibes that were generated during the three days was amazing. For me the best part was being able to meet so many people from VGV in person, I think it has generated some very good bonds.” - Pablo
“My favorite talk was David's keynote. It was great, even for an insider, to understand better why culture is that important, and why VGV bets on improving it. On the last day in our booth, Alejandro and Erick started talking to Eric Seidel (Flutter co-Founder) about Flame. Then the conversation turned into early decisions made in Flutter, using Dart, and the future of the framework, and eventually there were like 10-12 people around enjoying that conversation. I loved getting to know everyone (colleagues, and people from Twitter and YouTube) in 3D, talking to them in person, and building more relationships.” - Jaime
“The talk that stood out the most for me is Eric Seidel’s keynote about the next ten years of Flutter. It was engaging and very dynamic, plus the content was itself very exciting. I had a lot of great conversations, mainly with developers about VGV’s influence and help to the community. I think the OSS tools and dedicated team are an awesome part of VGV and people know it. Two things that people are most excited about, or at least what I think from the conversations I had, are firstly Dart Frog and then Flame. The best part for me was the communication, the opportunity to share on many subjects, and discovering the new projects in the Flutter community.” - Hugo
“David’s talk was very inspiring. I loved how he showed that technology can help build culture, but it only helps, we also need to take action and make it work. I also loved having the opportunity to discuss with Eric Seidel about a few topics — we discussed possible improvements that we could include in Flame if we try to use more ‘low level’ features from Flutter and he also told me a bit of the history on why of some decisions were made in the first days of Flutter development.” -Erick
“I want to express my admiration for the vibrant developer community surrounding Flutter. The energy and enthusiasm I experienced at the conference was truly remarkable. The collective power of this community is pushing Flutter to new heights, and I look forward to the incredible advancements that await us. Working with Flutter right now is incredibly exciting, and I feel really fortunate to be a part of it.” - Felipe
Flutter continues to gain momentum
Todd Volkert, Engineering Director for Flutter, gave an update on some stats for Flutter during his keynote: there are now 6,000,000+ Flutter developers and 1,100,000 Flutter apps on the market. It’s clear that the Flutter community is just getting started, and we’re so proud to be a part of it!

As the Flutter community continues to grow and thrive, we eagerly look forward to witnessing the next wave of innovative applications, captivating user experiences, and transformative developments that will shape the future of Flutter.
Attending Fluttercon was energizing! We can’t wait to see future collaborations, exciting projects, and the continued exchange of ideas within this vibrant community. Together, we are embarking on a journey fueled by passion, creativity, and a shared vision for building exceptional mobile and web applications using Flutter. The best is yet to come, and the Flutter community stands poised to drive innovation, inspire others, and shape the future of multi-platform app development.