Very Good Keynotes & Sessions at Fluttercon USA 2024

Seven Unicorns sharing insights at Fluttercon stage

August 14, 2024
August 14, 2024
updated on
September 7, 2024
Guest Contributor

We are excited to announce that seven of our teammates will be taking the stage at Fluttercon USA on September 19th and 20th, delivering seven talks, including a keynote on building for success with Flutter.

The main Flutter event of the year, Fluttercon USA, is coming to New York City for the first time. This is a special homecoming for Very Good Ventures (VGV), as our journey with Flutter began here in the Big Apple when we developed the first Flutter app outside of Google for the Hamilton Broadway Show. We are welcoming the Flutter community back to where it all started.

This year, Fluttercon, co-located with Droidcon NYC, will bring together developers, enthusiasts, and the entire Flutter community like never before. American companies and leading teams, including the Google team, will be in attendance, making it an extraordinary gathering.As Gold Sponsors at Fluttercon, we will enjoy having attendees over at our booth, where they can meet our team and learn about VGV’s work and last contributions to the Flutter ecosystem.

A Sneak Pick into VGV’s Talks at Fluttercon USA

The event will feature keynotes, sessions, lightning talks, panel discussions, and workshops from influential individuals in the Flutter community who will share their knowledge and findings about Flutter’s growth and upcoming features. This time, 15 of the 57 listed speakers so far are VGV teammates or alumni, and we couldn't be prouder!

Here you can find out about the main topics VGV’s team will bring to the event:

David DeRemer, Founder & CEO at Very Good Ventures, will present a keynote about how to Build to Succeed with Flutter. In this opportunity, David will share a commercial roadmap for the community with Flutter’s economic growth, bringing VGV’s enterprise Flutter expertise and sharing an actionable vision to align the community for long-term success. David highlighted: “The Flutter team at Google has always helped guide the community with its product roadmap. Now, we think it’s time for the community to start building its own commercial roadmap.” Later added: “At Fluttercon USA 2024 we hope to establish a clear vision for the ecosystem to grow and flourish”.

Later the same day, on Friday 20th, David and Sam Moore, VP of Architecture at Betterment, will share the success story of how the VGV team helped Betterment transition to Flutter using add-to-app for seamless ongoing development. In their session, you’ll discover how Betterment built a business case, validated Flutter, executed a comprehensive plan, and navigated a culture shift, all while uncovering the opportunities and potential risks along the way. 

Jorge Coca, Head of Engineering at Very Good Ventures, will present his session about “Demystifying performance tune up in Flutter and Dart”.
Jorge will share how to master DevTools, often underused and intimidating, to transform underperforming apps into excelling experiences. Jorge explained: “One of the biggest nightmares that organizations and dev teams share is that, after months of development, their execution might lead to a non-optimized performance experience. It directly affects their reputation. Knowing how to effectively use the tools that allow you to tune up these experiences is critical to release with confidence.”

Kyle Finlinson, Senior Engineer at Very Good Ventures, will share a deep dive into “Implications of Flutter WASM”, to discover best practices, benefits, and key implementation considerations for using WASM. Kyle added: "If you're like me, you've heard rumblings about WASM for years but haven't fully understood why it's such a big deal or what you should do about it. I'm excited to share how WASM will change the way we create and consume software along with actionable things Flutter developers can do now."

Marcus Twichel, Engineering Lead at Very Good Ventures, will go through how Dart Frog and its power can help Flutter developers seamlessly leverage their existing skills to build full-fledged web solutions using HTMX. Marcus will demonstrate how HTMX and Dart Frog can simplify web development by creating engaging websites. He shared: ”HTMX has challenged the dominant belief that modern web development requires complex Javascript frameworks. Combined with the simplicity of Dart Frog, we’ll see how incredibly easy it is to build a modern interactive website and remember why we love the web.”

Tom Arra & Stefan Hodges-Kluck, Director of Product Development & Engineer at Very Good Ventures respectively, will present  “Supercharging Development with Full Stack Dart and AWS.” This session will demonstrate how full stack Dart projects work with AWS services, whether one wants to create a robust full stack application from scratch or connect an existing cloud infrastructure. Tom and Stefan will explore integrating Dart and Dart Frog with AWS using Amplify, demonstrating the speed and flexibility of this stack.
Tom explained: “Having backend Dart as part of your tech stack can really accelerate your product development process while also building it for future growth. Join us to hear how we have seen this in action and learn how you can leverage AWS services to do the same for your team”.

Samantha O'Brien & Marcus Twichel, Engineer & Engineering Lead at Very Good Ventures, will demonstrate how to incorporate SwiftUI and add unique iOS features to the apps to create more dynamic and useful user experiences across the Apple ecosystem. In this session, attendees will learn how to incorporate SwiftUI and add unique iOS features to the apps to create more dynamic and useful user experiences across the Apple ecosystem.
Marcus highlighted: “Modern iPhone users expect their apps to extend beyond the confines of the app, whether on the home screen, Siri, or on their Apple Watch. Does your Flutter app meet them where they are? Come see how adding a pinch of native development can make your app the most interactive it can be.”

Get updates on all things Fluttercon USA

Follow our social media channels for the latest updates on our activities, talks, and news related to Fluttercon USA. We will be sharing content around the keynote and sessions for those who can’t attend the event. You can find the event's full agenda here.
Stay tuned for more updates about the event and all VGV’s efforts coming together in NYC.

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