Today we announce the addition of two teammates to our growing Tooling and Open Source team at Very Good Ventures: Jochum van der Ploeg and Renan Araújo. They will work alongside Felix Angelov, Principal Engineer and Head of Architecture.
- Felix Angelov: Felix leads the Tooling and Open Source team at Very Good Ventures. As an active open source maintainer, Felix has extensive experience creating and maintaining high-quality software including flutter_bloc, equatable, and mason, among others. He also supports a global community of thousands of developers who use bloc library.
- Renan Araújo: Renan previously worked at Rows, which is focused on harnessing the performant power of Flutter on the desktop spreadsheet application. He maintains some open source Flutter packages, among them the Flame 2D Game Engine via the Blue Fire team.
- Jochum van der Ploeg: Jochum is a member of the Blue Fire team, the people behind the Flame 2D Game Engine. He maintains a multitude of open source projects for Flutter, among them the Twilio Programmable Video and Conversations plugins.

About the VGV Tooling and Open Source team
The VGV Tooling and Open Source Team team is in charge of upholding one of our key missions at Very Good Ventures: creating knowledge and setting it free. They achieve this through a variety of activities, including:
- Open source stewardship: The team maintains repositories in our Very Good Open Source organization and beyond, including popular Flutter and Dart packages that have received thousands of stars. They frequently address issues and interface with the community on new features and fixes.
- High-quality open source software: As influenced by Very Good Ventures coding standards, Felix, Jochum, and Renan will build new open source packages to be used by Flutter and Dart developers around the world.
- Developer tooling: This team will also create tools, both for our engineering team at VGV and beyond, to increase developer efficiency and happiness.
- Giving back: This team contributes to the Flutter Community by creating high-quality documentation and tutorials, participating and sponsoring community events, and maintaining a positive open source ecosystem.
Very Good Open Source
You can see all of our open source repositories in one place in our Very Good Open Source GitHub organization. Popular repositories include:
- Very Good CLI: A scalable starter project built with VGV best practices.
- Very Good Analysis: The opinionated lint rules we use at VGV.
- Very Good Workflows: The reusable GitHub Workflows we use at VGV.
- Very Good Coverage: A GitHub Action to enforce a code coverage threshold with lcov.
- Dart Frog: A fast, minimalistic backend framework for Dart (currently experimental).
The team also has an active role in maintaining the following popular open source repositories:
- Bloc library: Including flutter_bloc, bloc_test, and more.
- Mason: Tools which allow developers to create and consume reusable templates called bricks.
- Flame: A minimalist Flutter game engine managed by Blue Fire.