Seamless Full Stack Development using Flutter & Dart Frog

A Full Stack Flutter Conference Recap

June 3, 2024
June 3, 2024
updated on
June 3, 2024
Guest Contributor

The last week of May brought the introduction of a new virtual conference for the Flutter & Dart community, Full Stack Flutter. The conference aims to extend beyond front-end development, covering backend solutions in Dart and a range of tools designed to enhance your development experience to a worldwide audience – having sessions on multiple days and times throughout to reach the global Flutter and Dart audience. 

Beyond Just Flutter

As a speaker, this was a great time to break away from talking only about Flutter in the context of what we do at Very Good Ventures. With a session focused on Flutter and Dart overall, I was able to cover a broader topic area–  “Dart on the backend: Seamless Full Stack Development, using Flutter & Dart Frog to Supercharge your Development Team.”

At Very Good Ventures, we are starting to see a new change when it comes to bringing frontend and backend teams together. In fact, we have previously presented on this topic at Google Cloud Next with a Lightning Talk titled “From Idea to Full Stack Solutions”, where we focused on the technical aspects of why this full stack approach with Dart is now feasible. 

During this complementary talk about Seamless Full Stack Development using Flutter and Dart Frog, we focus on the outcomes that we are seeing within project teams when making the shift of unifying under one common language. This is something that we, as an industry, have been trying to do for many years . However, in our experience, this appears to be the first time where there are no obvious trade-offs when making the change given the maturity of Dart as a language.

You can watch the entire talk here:

How To Get Started

We hope that this inspires you to take a look at your tech stack and how it could be improved by unifying on a single language and codebase. It’s a big shift for an engineering team but only takes one person passionate about the topic to make a difference and generate the spark needed to get your company thinking about it.

If you are that person and want to talk more about this topic, or more specifically on how we have seen this work with Dart and Dart Frog, feel free to reach out so we can help!

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