11 Days of Flutter - Day 10
For the 10th day of Flutter, we asked some of the most influential Flutter minds the same 5 questions. Their answers speak volumes about Flutter, the community, and the future of app development.
1. What is ONE thing you really love about Flutter?
“The enthusiasm. Everyone that works with Flutter LOVES Flutter. It makes working with it exciting and full of positivity.”
David DeRemer
“Animations. I'm saying this over and over again but I think most people still see Flutter just as a cost-efficient cross-platform solution and miss out on all those cool things that you can actually create with it's powerful animation / rendering framework.”
Frederik Schweiger
“While some of the obvious answers could be hot reload, or widget composition... the thing the I LOVE the most about Flutter is its supporting, welcoming, and inspiring community!”
Jorge Coca
“The community - I'm constantly impressed by the passion and support demonstrated worldwide”
Martin Aguinis
“Making one-day POC of really advanced apps, with icon logo.”
Łukasz Kosman
“The hot-reloading developer experience”
James Paolantonio
“The tooling makes the development cycle time fast as heck”
Angelina Fabbro
“How easy it is to prototype and release products. Especially the time from design to production”
Rody Davis
“The Community”
Robert Felker
“The thing I love most about Flutter is its low barrier to entry. It is incredibly easy for both novice and seasoned programmers to quickly start learning and building cool apps with the framework.”
Neevash Ramdial (Nash)
“The ability to create complex custom views in seconds and seeing them almost real time.”
Mariano Zorrilla
“That it finally achieves the holy grail of a universal user interface that can run everywhere. This has been tried many times but has always failed. The genius lies in Flutter's universal abstraction layers around a computer's GPU (Skia) and CPU (Dart), which can let it run anywhere they are both supported.”
Martin Rybak
2. What is something most people don't know about Flutter?
“That it is the future. I think the tech community is just catching on it it, and sure it's not perfect, but whether it's Flutter or some other framework of the future, multi-platform development is the future. It just makes no sense economically to waste some much high quality engineering talent duplicating applications.”
David DeRemer
“Flutter doesn't only live on mobile platforms but also on the web, desktop and embedded devices.”
Frederik Schweiger
“I feel like I sound like a broken record, but testing in Flutter is incredibly easy and fast! No other framework gives you out of the box the right tools (and APIs) to run unit tests, widget tests, and integration tests!”
Jorge Coca
“Google uses Flutter very heavily internally.”
Martin Aguinis
“Most people still don't know about Flutter :)”
Łukasz Kosman
“Dart is an easier language to learn than most people think”
Angelina Fabbro
“Code Generation and the time it saves”
Rody Davis
“Flutter is a competitive art tool”
Robert Felker
“When the framework was first launched as alpha in 2017, the debug banner used to say "slow mode" :)”
Neevash Ramdial (Nash)
“You can actually build cool games with a few lines of code”
Mariano Zorrilla
“That it used to be called "Sky" and originally came about from an attempt to strip the Chrome rendering engine down to its core. Using it to create cross-platform mobile apps didn't come until later.”
Martin Rybak
“How easy it is to get started”
James Paolantonio
3. What was your biggest surprise about Flutter in 2019?
“How good Flutter is on the Web. It's fast and it works. Some kinks to work out sure, but it works and that's amazing. Web development has followed web development patterns, but now we get real "app" development patterns on the Web. That's exciting.”
David DeRemer
“Flutter Web. It has come a long way and looks really promising to me.”
Frederik Schweiger
“I am very surprised and excited about Dart. In 2019, the language involved at a speed that I've never seen in before, maintaining its quality and performance: UI-oriented features, extension methods, the new DartPad...”
Jorge Coca
“How quickly it's taken the world by a storm! Top in most rankings.”
Martin Aguinis
“Going cross-platform at scale that quick.”
Łukasz Kosman
“The amount of Flutter talks at Google IO”
James Paolantonio
“How much it's grown in popularity, it's wild”
Angelina Fabbro
“How much the web improved. Going from flutter_web to merged and now a strong competitor to other frameworks”
Rody Davis
“FFI and calling native methods in other langs”
Robert Felker
“The biggest surprise in 2019 for me was Flutter Web. I was shocked by its performance, stability, and ease of use. Even though it was a technical preview and had its bugs and quirks, it was still a "breeze" to convert an existing Flutter app to run on the web.”
Neevash Ramdial (Nash)
“Flutter Web”
Mariano Zorrilla
“The preview release of FFI (Foreign Function Interface) to bind Dart directly to C code. This is a game changer because this opens the door to much faster interaction powerful, open-source libraries. For example, the Moor package, which is an ORM for SQLite, saw a 500x improvement in performance using FFI vs. using platform channels.”
Martin Rybak
4. What is the most inspiring thing you’ve seen recently in the Flutter community?
“Recently? Hmm... Jorge Coca teaching a room full of you kids how to code Flutter. Can you imagine? Just think for a minute that there are you kids, maybe 10 years old, and the first code they're seeing is Flutter. 🤯”
David DeRemer
“I'm still impressed how welcoming and helpful the community is to all of its members.”
Frederik Schweiger
“If you follow Ahmed Abu Eldahab, you will see how incredibily busy and active he is in the community! He has spent almost half of the year (literally) supporting other Flutter developers with talks, workshops... I still have not had the pleasure of meeting him personally, but I consider him one of the role models in our community because of his support and dedication!”
Jorge Coca
“The stories that came in as part of our Flutter Interact user-generated videos. There are some remarkable apps solving important world issues created with Flutter, which you will see at the event!”
Martin Aguinis
“CFP submissions for Flutter Europe :)”
Łukasz Kosman
“How much progress was made by the open-source community this year”
James Paolantonio
“Dash, the mascot, what a roundboi”
Angelina Fabbro
“Generative art and design using canvas and math by Robert Felker”
Rody Davis
“Some people are developing local solutions in development countries using Flutter. They are competitive solutions.”
Robert Felker
“The most inspiring thing about the Flutter Community is its openness, creativity, and inclusivity. It is awesome to see others taking the time to write articles, publish packages and answer questions. The community is very welcoming to beginners and there are tons of resources made by the community to help those new to the platform.”
Neevash Ramdial (Nash)
“Art being created with Flutter”
Mariano Zorrilla
“On June 1 of this year I had the privilege of helping organize the first-ever International Flutter Hackathon. We had thousands developers in 69 locations across 35 different countries participate. It was very humbling to see all of their videos feeds come up on the livestream on the big screen. Amazing to see how many people across the world are united in their common passion for Flutter!”
Martin Rybak
5. What is your bold prediction for the future of Flutter?
“I think within 3 years we see a new operating system for mobile devices and Flutter apps will run on it at launch.”
David DeRemer
“With Flutter we are able to shift our paradigms of user experience for the first time since the beginning of mobile development and thus create something completely new. We are not bound to old view frameworks or outdated support libraries. We'll see interfaces that will seamlessly run across all different kinds of devices, form factors and operating systems. It's time to question the status quo.”
Frederik Schweiger
“I think 2020 is going to be a really positive year for Flutter. Lots of different people and companies have been using it already for almost two years or more, and no one has voiced any of the typical cross platform development concerns, and that can only mean one thing... people use Flutter, love it, and they scale their operations. 2020 will be the realization for a lot of people that Flutter "simply works", and it works really really well!”
Jorge Coca
“It will continue it's momentum and not just for mobile.”
Martin Aguinis
“To dominate the mobile market!”
Łukasz Kosman
“Flutter begins to carve into the market share of desktop apps, taking the spotlight away from Electron apps”
Angelina Fabbro
“Flutter to replace angular dart”
Rody Davis
“New theme beyond Material and iOS will emerge driven by companies and community”
Robert Felker
“Bold prediction for the future of Flutter? It is going to become the go-to framework for building your mobile, web and desktop application.”
Neevash Ramdial (Nash)
“Becoming the main framework outside native code to code once for all builds”
Mariano Zorrilla
“I think Flutter on Web has the most exciting future. Web Assembly (wasm) and Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are changing the landscape. If Flutter embraces these properly and irons out its kinks, it could certainly take over the market for front-end web development.”
Martin Rybak
“Google will encourage new apps to be built in Flutter rather than native Android”
James Paolantonio